lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011

one more week!

Hello 2nd graders!
This is the last week before our christmas vacation! Let´s work hard and remember that we have to show the love we have inside!! Remember our value is SOLIDARITY!  Lets help others and care for others..!
During your vacation you will be able to practice a little with some worksheets we will give you, so you don't forget anything and come back to school super ready to continue with our 3rd bimester!
With love, your teachers

Ps. here is a video about solidarity. :) Let´s share!

lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011

Almost Christmas time!

Hey little ones!!
Just two weeks and we will have our christmas vacations! Keep working hard and remember that our value is: SOLIDARITY! Lets help others :)

Hugs from your teachers!